Test Name:Contact Information:Address: Age:18-2425-3435-4445-5455+Gender:MaleFemaleNextWhich Yummy Bang product is your favorite?Corn Puff (Tangy Tomato)Corn Puff (Masala Punjabi Tadka)Corn Puff (Limbu Chat pata)Corn Puff (Green Chilli)Corn Puff (Cheese Chilli)Corn Puff (Cream & Onion)Non-veg Corn Puff (Fish)Non-veg Corn Puff (Fish Lover Heart)Kurai (Masala Punjabi Tadka)Kurai (Green Chilli)Kurai (Tangy Tomato)Potato Chips (Salted)Potato Chips (Tomato)Potato Chips (Masala)How often do you purchase Yummy Bang products?DailyWeeklyMonthlyOccasionallyFirst-time buyerWould you recommend Yummy Bang products to friends or family?DefinitelyProbablyNot sureProbably notDefinitely notBackNextContest Questions:What flavor of Yummy Bang Corn Puff do you find most tempting and why?If you could suggest a new flavor for Yummy Bang snacks, what would it be and why?How do you usually enjoy Yummy Bang products? (e.g., as a snack during movies, with friends, etc.)How did you hear about the "Yummy Bang" contest?Social MediaRoad BannersPostersWord of MouthOther (please specify)BackNextFollow "Yummy Bang" on our social media platforms:Facebook - follow (share screen shot)Facebook Wattsapp channel - follow (share screen shot)Whatsapp Channel Instagram - follow (share screen shot)Instagram Twitter-follow (share screen shot)Twitter Youtube Channel - Subscribe & Click Bell Icon (share screen shot)YouTube Channel Agree to the terms and conditions:Checkbox for participants to agree to the contest terms and conditions. Back